Luminous Babies are Calling Us
We are in the midst of a grand evolution in human consciousness.
What happens at the very beginning of life holds the secret to cultivating the extraordinary awakening of our multidimensional human consciousness in our next generation.
Luminous babies arriving now are coming in with more of their complexity, their multidimensional wholeness “online” and that includes more access to their higher dimensional Self and to the light of their True Self.
Babies are arriving with more greater capacities and awareness, but they are also more sensitive and needing more from us to help them in their transition.
These times are unprecedented. We need new maps, new tools, new ways of being that support ourselves and our babies to make this metamorphosis with the most ease and grace.
I am bringing all my knowledge, wisdoms, tools, and practices together at a higher octave than ever before to help you support your Luminous Baby and experience a Luminous Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
Let’s explore this new emerging multidimensional luminous world together. We are making the maps for generations to come.